Florence + the Machine in Athens - Fan Review
Anticipation filled the arena. We waited for the house lights to dim; we waited for Florence and her machine. They took to the stage one by one like ink filling an empty page, like colours filling an empty canvas. It was a beautiful sight. Each of them dressed as if out of a picture book, taking their place by their instruments, as they have done so many times before. Then from the shadows, behind the stage, she emerged, looking like a pixy, a nymph of the forest. At first, we were taken by the beauty and perfection of the characters before us and when the music started, the drums began to beat and the harp began to strum, but when she began to sing, that is when we were taken in. That is when we transported.
(c) Lillie Eiger
It was a story which we were part of, all of us, they were the main role, and in the centre of it all, was she. She stole us from the rest of the world, released our souls and led us through a fairytale. Through her inspiring music, her positive energy. She freed us and united us. We were united by music. United by a passion for movement, a passion for life. It was captivating to watch her twirling and leaping and seamlessly floating across the stage with endless energy as she illustrated the stories she told us, through her mesmerising and haunting voice. It was enchanting to hear her flawless notes and inspiring to listen to her lyrics from the gentleness of Patricia to the power and strength we felt throughout Dog Days.
(c) Lillie Eiger
In the dim light, surrounded by strangers, we were sent on various journeys, from imagining nymphs in peaceful forests to Celtic warriors galloping on horseback. We were a new race created, a race made up of imperfect people led by the spirit of a child. The spirit of a child, dressed in a purple gown, her feet bare and her flaming hair wild. She asked us if we trusted her and we did, we really did. She healed us by sharing her pain and love and joy. With every touch, with every movement and every note, she gave us strength and she shared her energy. Seeing this British band perform live was something that shall never be forgotten by myself or anybody else in that arena.
For one night everyone present was shown real magic, could feel real magic and for one night everyone believed. Thank you for that Florence and the Machine.
By Kalypso Panagiotou